The regulator pin is really hard to move. While trying to trim off about 10s/day error, I used a toothpick to nudge the regulator tab and (oops!) slipped. Looking at it, I think the hairspring is not running through the pin any longer. The watch runs, but I’m adding about a minute every six hours.
I do plan to replace the watch in a month or two, after deciding if I’m someone who would actually enjoy wearing a watch for years. So primary goal is to keep this watch running for at least 60 days to try-out “watch life”.
So given where I am as a DIY newbie, is this an EASY fix, I should try now, with just a steady hand; a MEDIUM fix that should wait until I have a second watch and am comfortable with risking this one; or a HARD fix and I’m guaranteed to trash the movement without better tools and more practice?