Hands wont turn

B-day present from kids. Pilot watch with Miyota 8315. When stem installed hands will not turn and date will not advance. Tried installing several times.

I have done other small, intricate projects and have a watch collection so fairly certain I have not damaged this.

So what do you see happening? For example, fully inserted you should be able to wind the watch and it should begin ticking. Also, how difficult is it to remove the stem? Can you just slide it out without using the wee secret release button?

Where u able to fix the problem or no because I am having the same problem

Same questions :slight_smile: What movement are you using? What do you see happening? When fully inserted, you should be able to wind the watch and the balance swings freely. Pulled out, you should be able to twist with minimal resistance, and see gears on the movement adjust.