Regulating movement

I just got a new NH34 movement and regulated it with a time graph to +-0 (I know this isn’t realistic to hold over time). However, over the last few days it’s gone to an avg daily loss of 20 secs and 40secs over 2 days. Is this kind of loss normal? Should I open it back up and regulate it again? Is there something else I should check?

I don’t expect COSC standards…but the change from 0 to-20 seems a bit much. But maybe I need to adjust my expectations instead of the watch. Thanks

Have you tried measuring the time in different positions (face up, face down, etc.)? That creates a big variation.

If it were GAINING time I’d be suspicious of magnetism. That it’s LOSING time, you might check that the hands aren’t touching. I had a watch that would conveniently lose ten minutes every night at 4:20am. Once I realized that, the cause was self-evident.

After a few days of tracking I think you’re right…it has to do with how I’m resting it overnight. What have you found to be the best way. I used to rest them on their side at night just out of habit…but I think that might be causing the loss of time. The other morning i woke up and check the time and it was -1.6. I’m pretty sure that night I rested it in an almost vertical position. Any thoughts?

This is a bit of a debate in the watch world :wink: How Do You Rest Your Watch at Night for Accuracy | WatchUSeek Watch Forums

For me, I leave them basically face-up. The one is on an MN strap so it is maybe a little off-center. Face-down should work about the same, but then your crystal is left on a grimy surface. Either way, the mechanics are around that balance wheel. If the wheel is horizontal, it can spin back and forth the full distance. But when it’s vertical, it’s fighting gravity.